10GB Mailboxes & 50MB Attachments

10GB Mailboxes 

Our goal is to take storage out of the equation. That’s why we offer you huge, 10 GB mailboxes. No longer will you have to worry about cleaning out and archiving their mailboxes to prevent running out of storage space. With 10GB of data storage space, you can keep all of their emails in your account without deleting them. This helps you to create an effective archive of work activity. It also provides an excellent way to manage and retrieve information about past projects, decisions, and emailed conversations. 

50MB Attachments 

We want to be sure that you aren’t limited by file size limitations when you are sending an attachment. That’s why we support up to 50 MB attachments on incoming or outgoing email. This helps to ensure that users can send and receive important attachments without concern for file size limitations. 

With a 50MB attachment limit, you could send or receive: 

  • A 1,000 page Microsoft Word document * 
  • 200 slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation * 
  • 500 JPEG images * 
  • A 500 page Adobe PDF file * 

* Illustrative estimate - Actual numbers depend on the size of a given file(s).

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